Host a Competition | bitgrit

Host a Competition

We help companies of all industries overcome their business obstacles through data science competitions. With over 18,000 data scientists competing on our platform, we provide industry grade AI algorithms that are built around your needs.

Why Data Science Competitions?
  • Models created in competitions tend to perform better than their in-house counterparts due to the power of collective intelligence.
  • In an increasingly competitive market, incremental improvements to an existing AI model can give your business the edge it needs.
  • Hosting competitions can also help market your company internationally, increasing brand awareness among talented industry professionals.
  • Deploying large teams to optimise models can be incredibly expensive, our competitions provide an affordable alternative with unbeatable value.
Competition Process
Design & Consulting

Our in-house data science team will work with you from the very beginning, helping to create an appropriate problem statement according to your requirements and available data. We also help with the data preparation, baseline model testing and evaluation metric.

Hosting & Running

Once we’ve prepared the problem statement and dataset, we move onto competition structure. Rules, legal assessments, schedule, format and prize money are all discussed and organised. We also run tests for various submission scenarios before launching to ensure you get the results you expect. Participants receive continuous support from us during the entire competition period and we make sure to respond to their inquires in a timely, detailed and friendly manner.

Validation & Conclusion

After the competition, top models will be manually reviewed by confirming score reproducibility and troubleless code execution. An official announcement will be made with the winners through the appropriate channels and the prize money will be distributed.

Service Breakdown

Get exactly what you need without anything unnecessary. Choose from one of our 3 service plans:

Basic Standard Premium
Design & Consulting
Problem Statement
Checked Checked
Data Preparation Checked Checked
Baseline Model Testing Checked Checked
Evaluation Metric Checked Checked
Hosting & Running
Competition Confirmation
Checked Checked Checked
Final Draft Checked Checked Checked
Periodical Stats Reporting Checked Checked Checked
Participants Support Checked Checked Checked
Validation & Conclusion
Score Validation
Code Review Checked
Competition Final Report Checked
*We also offer custom plans. Please contact us for further details.

We'd love to hear what you need

Someone from our team will be in touch with you soon.

Please give a general overview of the problem you would like to solve.

Please describe what data is available and the format it is in.